Stephen M. Warren MD, FACS
Rhinoplasty in New York City
What is Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty (aka. nose job or nose reshaping) includes a variety of aesthetic and reconstructive techniques. Typically, Rhinoplasty is performed after the nose has completed most of its growth, which occurs around age 13 or 14 years in girls and 14 or 15 years in boys. Rhinoplasty can be performed using a closed or an open technique. In general, patients seeking smaller changes in their nose can be treated with a closed technique (ie. incisions limited to inside of the nostrils). When patients need larger or more complicated changes, an open technique is used (ie. incision across the columella). Using either technique, the skin is elevated, and the nasal bones and cartilage are reshaped. Septal extension grafts, tip grafts, spreader grafts, ala rim grafts and columella grafts are often used.
Introduction to Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty is surgery to change the shape of the nose. Since the nose is perched prominently in the center of our face, it is no surprise that nasal reshaping is the most common type of aesthetic surgery. And perhaps the most common reason for rhinoplasty is the treatment of a prominent dorsal hump. But, rhinoplasty is more multifaceted than just sanding down a bump. The three-dimensional interplay between the nose and the other features of the face (eg. cheek fullness, chin projection, brow prominence, etc.) makes rhinoplasty a challenging yet elegant procedure. Subtle alterations in the anatomy can make profound differences in appearance. Moreover, impaired nasal airflow, loss of volume or flatness of the cheeks, and an underprojecting or small chin can be treated at the same time. Based on years of mentorship from expert teachers as well as his own studies of the face, Dr. Stephen Warren has developed a passion for treating patients with nasal differences. Below, we have more information related to the procedures so you can decide if these treatments are right for you or your family member.

Rhinoplasty often includes septoplasty, turbinate reduction, and removal of deviated bone (eg. vomer) from inside of the nose. In addition, midface or chin augmentation with implants or fat grafting can be combined with the Rhinoplasty. After surgery, a splint is placed on the nose and patients remain out of the limelight for about 1 week. You can gradually return to normal activities over the next 3 weeks. After 8 weeks, the nasal bones and cartilage will have knitted together, and you can return to unrestricted activities. During this time, you will notice improved nasal and facial contours as the postoperative swelling continues to fade. And eventually, the breathing will begin to improve. It will, however, take about a year for your nose to settle into its final contour as minor residual swelling resolves and the skin envelope continues to contract.
Benefits of Rhinoplasty
What are the Benefits of Rhinoplasty?
Patients undergo Rhinoplasty to improve the following conditions:
- Reshape a poorly defined, uneven, and wide nasal tip
- Increase projection of a droopy nasal tip
- Improve the symmetry of the ala rims and ala bases
- Change the size and/or shape of the nostrils
- Straighten a deviated columella or elongate a short columella
- Straighten a crooked nose or narrow a wide nose
- Remove a hump or correct a depression in the bridge of the nose
- Improve facial balance by changing the size, length, and shape of the nose
- Lengthen a short nose by derotating the nasal tip to provide a more balanced profile
- Relieve nasal airway obstruction by straightening a deviated nasal septum and reducing enlarged turbinates

Who are the Best Candidates for Rhinoplasty?
Best Candidates For Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty can be a real game changer. Straightening the nasal axis, lifting and defining the nasal tip, improving the symmetry of the ala rims and bases, alleviating nasal airflow impairment, and enhancing midfacial convexity can be transformative. Typically, Rhinoplasty is performed when the nose has completed most of its growth, which occurs around age 13 or 14 years in girls and 14 or 15 years in boys. There is no upper age limit, and any adult can undergo Rhinoplasty. As with any surgery, good candidates for Rhinoplasty are:
- Physically healthy
- Completed facial growth
- Have trouble with nasal breathing
- Recurrent sinus infections or runny nose
- Snoring and/or obstructive sleep apnea
- Non-smoker
- Unsatisfied with their nasal appearance
- Realistic goals for surgery
What is Revision Rhinoplasty?
When Rhinoplasty is skillfully performed, outcomes are quite good. Some patients, however, will have small persistent troubles such as supratip fullness that obscures the tip defining points or insufficiently supported ala rim that collapses causing partial obstruction of the nasal airflow. These and other small, but important problems, can be treated in Revision Rhinoplasty; in general, small problems require small corrections. As a craniofacial, 鶹ӳ treats many patients referred to him with significant problems after Rhinoplasty procedures. These patients will often have short noses with obtuse nasolabial angles that require derotation and tip augmentation. Other will have complete collapse of an ala rim (ie. nasal vestibular stenosis) that not only affects the appearance of the nose, but also completely obstructs the airflow. Still others will have incompletely treated intranasal anatomy that results in persistent nasal airflow obstruction following Rhinoplasty.
Revision Rhinoplasty includes an array of surgical techniques. Tissues have been scarred or damaged by previous surgery, cartilage donor sites have been used, and the disappointment with previously unsuccessful surgery only adds to the stress of a Revision Rhinoplasty. Patients will often feel that they have run out of options. Patients will often feel that they have run out of options. Successful Revision Rhinoplasty requires creative thinking and innovative surgical techniques. Dr. Stephen Warren combines years of expert mentorship from world class teachers with interdisciplinary surgical research to offer patients novel and effective solutions to their challenging post-rhinoplasty problems.
What is Functional Endonasal Surgery?
Our nose is happiest when we have smooth laminar nasal airflow. Obstructions in our nasal passages cause turbulent airflow which dries out our nose and makes breathing difficult. The most common cause of turbulent airflow is a deviated septum. Anyone can have a deviated septum and the degree of deviation can be quite pronounced. Moreover, a deviation of the septum can cause a cascade of secondary consequences including: deviation of the vomer and anterior ethmoids, enlargement of the turbinates, and maxillary, ethmoid, and frontal sinus disease. Some patients presenting for Rhinoplasty have partial or complete obstructions in their nasal passages (whether they are aware of it or not). When nasal airflow obstruction has been a lifelong problem, many patients tend to be unaware of the degree of obstruction. Functional Endonasal Surgery is a compendium of techniques that include: septoplasty, vomerectomy, anterior ethmoidectomy, turbinate reduction, maxillary antrostomy, etc. Collectively, these procedures can be performed during Rhinoplasty to open the nasal passages and return nasal airflow to normal.
What is Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty is a surgical technique, so Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty is a bit of an oxymoron. Nonetheless, this minimally invasive option (aka. liquid rhinoplasty) can work wonders for some patients with small contour deformities. Using fillers similar to the products used for cheek or lips augmentation, dorsal depressions or flat nasal tips can be treated to smooth the contour or improve tip projection. While the fillers are only temporary, they can be a great option for someone not ready for surgery or as a quick fix for an upcoming event (eg. wedding, graduation, reunion, etc). Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty is an office-based procedure that takes about 45 minutes. If you are considering this option to get ready for an upcoming event, give yourself a few days to allow the filler to settle in. 鶹ӳ can help you decide if this is the right treatment for you.

The First Steps
What’s The First Step?
The first step in undergoing Rhinoplasty in New York City is to contact our office and schedule a consultation with 鶹ӳ. When you come in, he will review your medical history, listen to your concerns, and examine you. With your help, 鶹ӳ will identify the key concerns, discuss the treatment options, and develop a treatment plan. For out-of-town or international patients, a virtual consultation can be easily arranged. Once you agree on the surgical treatments you can schedule your surgical date with our Patient Coordinator. Preoperative testing including a presurgical clearance by a local concierge pediatrician (for patients < 18 years of age) or internist can also be arranged. Perioperative instructions, hospital times and locations, and an itemized price breakdown will all be provided before surgery.
What to Expect on the Day of Rhinoplasty
Your Rhinoplasty will be performed either in our private AAASF certified operating facility or at one of the internationally recognized hospitals in New York City. 鶹ӳ only works with board certified anesthesiologists and young adults (< 18 years of age) are always treated by a pediatric anesthesiologist. On the morning of surgery, 鶹ӳ will meet with you in the preoperative area to briefly re-review the surgical plan and answer any last-minute questions. Once in the operating room, you will go off to sleep under general anesthesia. Rhinoplasty typically begins with an endoscopic technique to remove portions of the deviated septum. In addition to the septum, the vomer is often deviated and it, too, can be removed. Enlarged turbinates will be reduced. If facial implants are necessary, they will be placed next. Then onto the rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty can be performed using either an open or closed technique. The skin is elevated, and the nasal bones and cartilage are reshaped. Septal extension grafts, tip grafts, spreader grafts, ala rim grafts and columella grafts are used as necessary. 鶹ӳ can use your own cartilage or allogeneic cartilage. Once the final nasal shape is achieved, the incisions are closed, and a splint is applied over the nasal bridge. Typically, nasal packing is never placed. Long lasting local anesthetic will be injected before you wake up so that the operative sites are numb. These procedures will take 3-6 hours to complete. 鶹ӳ will update your family after each step of the procedure so that they can follow your progress and know that you are doing well.
How Much Does Rhinoplasty Cost in New York City?
The cost of Rhinoplasty in New York City will vary depending on many factors, including the procedure to be performed, the complexity of the reconstruction, and the time needed for surgery. The best way to determine the cost of your surgery is to consult with 鶹ӳ and make a list of your surgical goals. Once your goals are identified, the steps necessary to achieve those goals can be defined, and a personalized surgical plan with a complete breakdown of the cost of the procedures will be provided by our Patient Coordinator.
Rhinoplasty Recovery
Patients will spend about 2 hours in the recovery room. Since 鶹ӳ injects local anesthetics during surgery, most patients do not have any pain in the recovery room. Instead, if anything, patients describe a sense of ‘facial pressure’. After a couple of hours in the recovery room, patients will be taken home by a family member or friend. Depending on the accessory procedures (eg. facial implants) performed during your Rhinoplasty, patients can eat and drink anything they like after surgery; though most will choose soft or easy to eat foods for a couple of days. You should keep your activity to a minimum during the first week so that your nasal splint stays in place, your tissues can heal, and to avoid bleeding from the nose. We advise that you plan to take at least one week off from work or school, but sometimes more time is necessary if accessory procedures are performed. 鶹ӳ uses a balanced postoperative pain medication regimen to minimize side effects (eg. nausea) and still provide excellent pain relief. Splints and sutures are normally removed after a week during your post-op appointment. Out-of-town and international patients can fly home on the same day as the postoperative visit. You should be able to gradually return to normal activities such as standard exercise and non-contact sports over the next 3 weeks. After 8 weeks, the nasal bones and cartilage will have knitted together, and you can return to unrestricted activities. During this time, you will notice improved nasal and facial contours emerging as the postoperative swelling continues to fade. And eventually, the breathing will begin to improve. It will, however, take about a year for your nose to settle into its final contour as minor residual swelling resolves and the skin envelope continues to contract.

Choose us for Rhinoplasty in New York, NY
Why choose 鶹ӳ?
Dr. Stephen M. Warren is a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in aesthetic and reconstructive facial surgery. He trained in plastic surgery at Harvard and completed his specialty training in craniofacial surgery at . While he was at NYU for many years, 鶹ӳ moved his practice outside of the hospital to maintain the tradition of personalized private practice care. 鶹ӳ is a tenured Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery, Associate Professor of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, Radiology and Medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center. He is an emeritus Associate Professor of Cell Biology, emeritus Director of the Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery Laboratories, emeritus Director of the Division of Clinical and Translational Research, emeritus Director of the Variety Center for Craniofacial Surgery, and emeritus Director of the Craniofacial Surgery Fellowship program at NYU Langone Medical Center. 鶹ӳ is a Diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery and a Fellow of the . He is a member of 23 professional societies, an ad hoc reviewer for 30 scientific journals, and on the editorial boards of a number of journals. He has authored nearly three hundred textbook chapters, clinical, and scientific articles. He has trained over 50 research and clinical fellows. 鶹ӳ is frequently asked to lecture nationally and internationally on facial surgery, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine.
Schedule Consultation
鶹ӳ is here to help learn more about the benefits of Rhinoplasty and adjunct procedures such as functional endonasal surgery (e.g. septoplasty, turbinate reduction, and removal of deviated bone from inside of the nose), and midface or chin augmentation with implants or fat grafting. These are life-changing procedures. Call us at 212-447-6229 or request a consultation through our website. Out-of-town and international patients can meet and discuss Rhinoplasty with 鶹ӳ by telehealth visit. Having to make treatment decisions can be stressful, but you can breathe a little easier knowing that you have one of the best craniofacial surgeons in the field looking after you or your family member.
Stephen M. Warren, MD, FACS
Rhinoplasty FAQ’s

What Patients have
To say about our practice
To say about our practice
Sarah b.
Dr Warren is one of the world most talented surgeon that i have ever had the pleasure of meeting. My son's medical challenges started 16 years ago, at birth. Dr Warren recommended and performed a brilliant, genius surgery to rectify facial symmetry caused by a tumor.Samantha F.
Dr Warren is patient, systematic, thorough, a true perfectionist. I have the highest regard for everything Dr Warren did before, during and post surgery. Dr Warren made himself accessible around the clock to ensure that my son was taken care of every single step of the way.Debbie G.
鶹ӳ did my sons cleft lip/gum/nose surgery and will be doing his palate surgery. He not only is a fantastic surgeon but he has an incredible bedside manner, explains everything thoroughly, and is in such constant communication with us, we don’t feel we need a whole “team”.Robert A.
鶹ӳ is a consummate professional and an incredibly skilled surgeon. He has an amazing and comforting bedside manner that is equally met by his successful results as a surgeon.
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